Mayday's Concert Covers (五月天演唱的歌)

天天想你  Everyday Thinking of You
向前走  Marching Forward
搖滾舞台  Rock Stage
愛情釀的酒  Wine Brewed by Love
我愛夏天  I Love Summer
這個世界  This World

天天想你  Everyday Thinking of You

作詞:陳樂融 作曲:陳志遠 
Lyrics by Chen Lerong, music by Chen Zhiyuan

As I stand before the window, you’re moving farther and farther away
Can you hear every beat of my heart?

As I pace in the deep of the night you’re beside me
Your every oath resounds beside me

隱隱約約 閃動的雙眼
So indistinctly, sparkling eyes
Hiding your shyness, deepening my yearning
I’m certain you can see the border between our two hearts
If only you are willing to continue moving forward

天天想你 天天問自己
天天想你 天天守住一顆心
Everyday thinking of you, everyday asking myself
When will I finally be able to tell you
Everyday thinking of you, everyday a constant heart
My best love is reserved for you (all for you)

Language: Mandarin
Recorded by Zhang Yusheng in 1988
Translated by M. Oyen

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向前走  Marching Forward

作詞:林強 作曲:林強 
Lyrics and Music by Lin Qiang

火車漸漸在起走 再會我的故鄉的親戚
親愛的父母再會吧 到陣的朋友告辭啦
阮欲來去台北打拼 聽人講啥物好空的攏在那
朋友笑我是愛做瞑夢的憨子 不管如何路是自已走
OH! 再會吧 OH! 啥物攏不驚 OH!向前走
The train is slowly starting to move, goodbye to my hometown relatives
My dear mother and father, goodbye,  my old friends, so long
I’m going to Taipei to give it a shot, I hear that everything good is found there
Friends laugh and call me a foolish dreamer, no matter, my road is my own
Oh! Goodbye, Oh! I’m not afraid of anything, Oh! Marching forward

車站一站一站過去啦 風景一幕一幕親像電影
把自已當作是男主角來扮 雲遊四海可比是小飛俠
不管是幼稚還是樂觀 後果若安怎自已就來擔
原諒不孝的子兒吧 趁還少年趕緊來打拼
再會吧 OH! 啥咪 攏不驚 OH! 再會吧 OH!向前走
The train stations pass by one after another, the landscape more and more resembles a movie
I’ll act as though I’m the male lead, wandering the four seas like I am Peter Pan
I don’t care if it’s childish, it’s hopeful, whatever the consequences, I’ll be responsible for them
Please forgive your unfilial son, take advantage of youth and hurry up to give it a shot
Oh! Goodbye, Oh!
I’m not afraid of anything, Oh! Marching forward

台北台北台北車頭到啦 欲下車的旅客請趕緊下車
頭前是現代的台北街頭 我的理想和希望攏在這
一棟一棟的高樓大廈 不知有住多少像我這樣的憨子
卡早聽人唱台北不是我的家 但是我一點攏無感覺
啥咪攏不驚 OH!向前走
Taipei, Taipei, Taipei Station’s here, those disembarking should hurry up and disembark
Before me are the modern Taipei streets, my ideals and hopes are all here
Block after block of skyscrapers and large buildings, housing who knows how many fools like me
I used to hear people sing, “Taipei is not my home,” but I don’t feel this way at all
Oh! Goodbye, Oh!
I’m not afraid of anything, Oh! Marching forward

Language: Hokkien/Taiwanese
Copyright 1990 Rock Records

Translated by M. Oyen

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搖滾舞台  Rock Stage

作詞:李宗盛 作曲:李宗盛 編曲:五月天
Lyrics and Music by Li Zongsheng

站在漆黑的舞台 長長的布幕還沒有拉開
你是否和我一樣在期待 一樣在期待
也許你曾經失敗 可是你沒有機會重來
你可知人生就像那舞台 不管你愛不愛
Standing on the inky black stage, the long curtain hasn’t been pulled open
Are you as excited as me, as excited
Maybe you’ve failed before, but you haven’t had a chance to try again
You should know that life resembles that stage, whether you love it or not

 多麼希望你的喝采 隨著那節奏慢慢散開
快站起來 不要走開
(搖滾的樂趣 就在現在)
You so love your applause, following that rhythm, slowly spreading
Quickly standing, don’t leave
Let us all sway together
(The pleasure of rock is right now)

Language: Mandarin
Translated by M. Oyen

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愛情釀的酒  Wine Brewed by Love

作詞:紅螞蟻 作曲:紅螞蟻 編曲:屠穎
Music and Lyrics by Hong Mayi

有人告訴我 愛情像杯酒
他還告訴我 是杯特製的酒
有人告訴我 愛情像杯酒
他說喝它吧 別皺眉頭
Someone told me, love is like a glass of wine
And he told me, it’s a glass of specialty wine
Someone told me, love is like a glass of wine
He said drink it, don’t frown at it

也燒不了你的口 喝吧
Because it can’t burn your tongue
And it can’t scald your mouth, drink
Don’t consider too long

喔 它燙不了你的舌
喝醉吧 不要回頭
Oh it can’t burn your tongue
And it can’t scald your mouth
Get drunk, don’t look back
Drink wine brewed by love

Language: Mandarin
Translated by M. Oyen

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我愛夏天  I Love Summer

作詞:張國璽 作曲:張國璽 
Lyrics and Music by Zhang Guoxi

我 我愛夏天
有 漂亮美眉
我 我愛夏天
因為 他們穿的養眼
每到夏天我要去海邊 海邊有個漂亮高雄妹
只打電話不常見面我好想念 不知她會在哪個海邊

I, I love summer
It has pretty girls
I, I love summer
Because they dress so appealingly
Every summer I want to go to the beach
At the beach there’s a pretty Kaohsiang girl
I only call her, rarely see her – I really miss her
I don’t know which beach she’ll be at

Language: Mandarin
Translated by M. Oyen

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這個世界  This World

作詞:蔡藍欽 作曲:蔡藍欽
Lyrics and Music by Cai Lanqin

在這個世界 有一點希望 有一點失望 我時常這麼想
在這個世界 有一點歡樂 有一點悲傷 誰也無法逃開
In this world, there is a little hope, there is a little hopelessness, I often think this
In this world, there is a little joy, there is a little sorrow, no one can escape it

我們的世界 並不像你說的真有那麼壞 你又何必感慨
用你的關懷和所有的愛 為這個世界 添一些美麗色彩
Our world is absolutely not as bad as you said it was, why all the heavy sighs
Use your concern and all your love to give this world some beautiful colors

在這個世界 有一點希望 有一點失望
In this world, there is a little hope, there is a little hopelessness

Language: Mandarin
Translated by M. Oyen

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