楓葉紅麵館   Red Maple Leaf Noodle Shop

作詞:五月天-阿信 作曲:李俊傑 編曲:余永錦
Lyrics by Ashin, Music by Li Junjie

這暑假 揉著麵團 掃著廁所 在這麵館打工
漢堡王國 對街吵到 音樂無藥可救
才發了呆 就被敲頭 老爹說好麵要 用心揉

This summer break kneading dough, cleaning bathrooms, working part-time at a noodle shop
The Hamburger Kingdom across the street is so noisy the music can’t be saved
Stupefied, then knocked on the head, dad says good noodles require you to use your heart in kneading them

 揉就揉 座右銘比 作麵技巧 教得還要更多
固執老爹 刀削神技 慢慢聲名遠播
西寧路上 越來越火 吃麵的人要排 兩個鐘頭

So I’ll knead them, the maxim has more technique than making noodles, there’s still more to learn
Stubborn dad, knife cutting with spirit, word slowly spreads to far away
On Xining Road it’s more and more popular, people eating noodles stand in line for two hours

老爹說麵糰就要緊握 削成了麵才能讓人感動
老爹他愛嘮嘮叨叨 我搖搖頭
何不乾脆 去當教授 為何在這 開麵館呢

Dad says to grasp hard to the dough, only when it’s cut into noodles will it move people
Dad loves to chatter on and on, I shake my head
Why doesn’t he go be a teacher, why did he open this noodle shop?

那一年 十五歲的 老爹和她 走過遍地楓紅
一聲再見 楓葉的紅 變成滿天烽火
沒再見過 老爹他說 並沒有一輩子 能牽手

That year my fifteen-year-old dad and her walked through grounds red with maple leaves
One word of “good-bye,” and the red of the maple leaves turned into a beacon fire filling the sky
They never met again, dad said, he couldn’t hold on to her hand for the rest of their lives

手中的 老爹握著 那片楓葉 半個世紀經過
女孩愛作 的刀削麵 老爹再沒吃過
人們停火 開始交流 女孩早已變成老婆婆

In his hand, dad grasps a maple leaf that’s endured a half a century
The knife-cut noodles the girl loved to make, dad never ate them again
They stopped the fire, made an exchange, the girl long ago became an old woman

老爹說麵糰就要緊握 削成了麵才能讓人感動
老爹他愛嘮嘮叨叨 我搖搖頭
何不乾脆 去當教授 為何在這 開麵館呢

Dad says to grasp hard to the dough, only when it’s cut into noodles will it move people
Dad loves to chatter on and on, I shake my head
Why doesn’t he go be a teacher, why did he open this noodle shop?

 老爹說有愛 就要緊握 現在他把愛 做成一碗感動
老爹他讓多少靈魂 滿足的活
和一個開始認真的我 老爹卻好像在等什麼

Dad says to grasp hard onto love, today he’s turned his love into a bowl of feelings
Dad makes so many souls live satisfied
To me, just starting to take things seriously, dad seems to be waiting for something

有個老婆婆走進了麵館裡頭 衣服別著一片楓葉 顏色火紅
老爹他正在睡午覺呢 我飛奔而去叫醒他了

One afternoon when the skies were filled with the colors of the sunset
An old woman walked into the noodle shop,  on her clothes she had a maple leaf, red like fire
Dad was taking an afternoon nap, I flew back to wake him


Language: Mandarin
Copyright 2006 by Rock Records, B’in Music
Translated by M. Oyen