你喔  You, Oh

Music and Lyrics by Qingfeng

In the deep of the night, dreamland has fallen into the heavens
Your face quietly buried in cotton candy
Red ears, goodness following feistiness
Your heart is the most beautiful in the world
You, oh!  You, oh!  My baby
You, oh!  You, oh! Innocent and guileless (quickly pull up the covers) (no cheating)
You, oh!  You, oh!  A little bashful
(obediently go to sleep) (you’re the most pure)
You, oh!  You, oh!

夜 已深 夢 鄉都掉進了天堂
你 的臉 悄 悄埋進了棉花糖
紅 耳朵 善 良跟著發燙
你 的心 全 世界最美
你 喔! 你 喔! 我 的寶貝
你 喔! 你 喔! 天 真無邪(快 蓋棉被)(不 能欺騙)
你 喔!你 喔!有 點靦腆
乖乖入睡)(你 最純粹)
你 喔! 你 喔!

Language: Mandarin
Copyright 2005 by Willlin Records
Translated by M. Oyen